There are two main concepts when setting up user rights:
- Single-organization user rights (new environments and environments with <1000 users have this by default).
- Multi-Organization User Rights (organisation-based visibility)
The main administrators of the entire Silverbucket environment for all the organisation levels
Unlimited access to the entire Silverbucket database
Global administrators can create additional global administrators via User’s Dashboard or Admin panel.
People with full editing rights to the entire Silverbucket environment for all the organisation levels
Full rights in the Silverbucket environment without user management or access to the Admin panel
Global administrators can create additional global resource managers via User’s Dashboard or Admin panel.
The administrators of certain organisation level
Full rights to own organisation level, including permissions to define/add additional organisation level administrators or resource managers
Organisation level administrators can appoint and edit these users in the "Organization" tab in the admin panel by editing a certain organisation level.
People who need resourcing permissions to a certain organisation level
Full rights to own organisation level without rights to user management
Organisation level administrators can appoint and edit these users in the "Organization" tab in the admin panel by editing a certain organisation level.
People who have been assigned as project managers for some project in Silverbucket
Full rights to the project they are project manager of
Automatically based on project manager field of the project's basic information
People who have been assigned to some project team in Silverbucket
Read permissions to own project. Can also edit own resourcing plan.
Automatically based on project membership
People in authorization group “Update Basic Information”
Rights to maintain global user groups and roles. Can add people from own organisation to the user groups.
Global administrators can appoint and edit these users in the "Authorization groups" in Admin panel