Main Membership Actions on top of project name (blue area in the screenshot below):
- Add members to a project
- Edit forecast prices
- Resourcing log (soon fully replaced by Activity Feed)
2) Person & Role specific allocation actionsare shown as you hover over a role (orange area in the screenshot below):
- Shift allocations
- Move to a project member / resource
- Divide with project member / resource
- Duplicate project member
- Allocation notes
- Create a resourcing request from tentative/confirmed allocations (if Soft Booking is enabled)
- Confirm tentatives (if Soft Booking is enabled)
3) Membership Removal Actions by clicking the trashcan icon (red area in the screenshot below):
- Archive and remove future allocations
- Remove future allocations
- Remove the current role including history allocations
4) Person & Role detailsfrom the pen icon
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Main Membership Actions
Add Members to a Project
allows you to swiftly add people and roles for the project. The dropdown lists allow you to select multiple people or multiple roles at the same time.
- Multiple users can be added to a project with the same role in one dialog
- If no role is selected, the user's Default Role is used
- If no user is selected, the selected role is added as an Unassigned role to a project
- If a user is already added to the project a separate dialog will let you know
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If you accidentally click the wrong role or people, you can either click the selected entity again to delete the selection or just click Close and start again.
Edit Forecast Prices
allows you to forecast the prices in the future. The values added here are calculated with allocations and are added straight to the Project Numbers table.
Person & Role Specific Actions
Hovering over any unassigned role or a person's role grants you a couple of handy tools.
Shift Allocations
When shifting allocations the allocations are always moved to start from the closest full week to avoid accidentally moving the resourcing for weekends.
Shift allocations is a suitable tool if the resourcing plan is fully planned but the starting date is moved from the predicted starting date. It shifts allallocations starting from the date inserted by the given number of weeks.
A positive value moves resourcing plan onward.
Negative value moves resourcing plan backwards.
Example: the Future Project 2019 is set to start on week 30 of 2019. We have already identified a need for an Analytics Project Manager that should start working from week 30. Two weeks after the start we will need a Lead Test Engineer to start working on the project as well.
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The circumstances change and the project's start date is moved by one week and the project is moved to start on week 31 instead of week 30. The resourcing and role requirements remain the same, so we should shift the allocations. This can be done by checking both of the roles in the left side of the view, hovering over the ellipsis icon and clicking Shift allocations:
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In this scenario the start date can be anything before week 30, or even a blank date as we wish to move the whole resourcing plan forward. Plan was changed by one week so we should insert the value of 1 to the Allocations will be shifted area.
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After clicking Shift the plans are moved one week forward; Analytics Project Manager now starts at week 31:
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Important note when shifting allocations:
Allocations are saved in the database as hours. When you shift hours from a week that has a holiday into a week that has no holidays, the hours will probably be a little off. This is especially recognisable in the 'Relative' (%) time mode and should be manually looked into by project managers.
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Move to a Project Member / Resource
allows you to quickly re-allocate hours from one role to another in the project. This is useful in a situation where the originally planned person is changed to something else. It can also be used when someone no longer works for your company but the need for a specific role is identified for the project.
Move to a Project Member
allows you to move allocated hours for a person / role which is already added to the project.
Move to a Resource
allows you to move allocated hours for a brand new person / role which is not yet added to the project.
Divide with Project Member
works in a similar manner as the Move to a project member / resource but the allocations moved to the new person / role can be adjusted in percentages or hours.
Example: below we have an overbooked project member called support user. We would like to address this situation by allocating some of the overload to another person called Help & Manual User as she isn't resourced at all currently. However, we only want to move half of the allocations made for support user, not all of them.
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Divide with project member allows you to divide allocations with members that are already added to the project
Divide with resource allows you to add a brand new member to the project and divide the allocations for them.
In the opening dialog we choose the value of 50 (%) so only half of the allocations are moved. The target is selected in the Select projectrole area.
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By clicking Divide we can see the outcome:
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Divide with Resource allows you to divide allocations with people that are not yet added to the project.
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- Handshake icon allows you to execute the changes edited in that particular row. This confirms the change and locks the row.
- Person icon allows you to add another resource to this modal, further dividing the resourcing to people.
- Trashcan icon deletes a row.
Duplicate Project Member
allows you to duplicate allocations made for a person / role. This is a useful tool for situations where you have identified the need for multiple instances of the same role for your project. An example for this could be customer service for a software, where you want to make sure enough agents are responding to your customers questions - so, multiple agents are needed and should also be resourced for the project.
Allocation Notes
Allocation notes allow you to write a note regarding a certain date / role. Every roles' allocation notes can be seen by clicking on the desired roles' Allocation notes button.
Notes are shown as blue dog ears in the top-left corner of the corresponding resourcing slot.
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Create a Resourcing Request from Tentative/Confirmed Allocations
This action will only be visible if you have Soft Booking or Resourcing Requests enabled.
These allow you to create a resourcing request based on the resourcing plan created:
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Confirm Tentatives
Confirm tentatives transforms all the selected role's tentative allocations into confirmed allocations.
Membership Deletion Actions
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Archive and Remove Future Allocations
Archives the role from the project and removes all the future allocations from current day onward. A useful tool for situations where a person/role is replaced by another and you wish to save the resourcing information from the past.
Remove Future Allocations
Only removes the allocations for the chosen person/role; the person/role itself will remain for the project.
Remove the Current Role Including History Allocations
Removes the person/role from the project and allocations from both future and past for the chosen person/role.