How Do I Use a Filter Set?

Filter Sets can be used to save your favorite filters and search combinations in Silverbucket's views. Just below the top-right corner you can find a functionality to create, save and use Filter Sets:

By clicking Filter Sets you can see your previously created personal filters & public filters created by other Silverbucket users:

Basic users can only create Private Filter Sets
Full Access Rights and Admins can create Private and Public Filter Sets

Creating a New Filter Set
To create a new filter set navigate to a view where filters can be used

Filters are shared between similar views:

People > Listings & People > Allocations share the same filter sets with each other
Projects > Listing & Projects > Allocations share the same filter sets with each other
Customers view never shares filter sets with other views
Reports view never shares filter sets with other reports or views

1) Experience with the filters and create a filter combination that suits your needs. In this example we are interested in seeing all the people in Silverbucket, that are:

- Part of the user group called Electricians
- Country is Finland
- Work under the supervision of a person named Supervisor Colleague

2) Click Update Report and double-check the results are what you wished:

3) Save the Filter Set for future purposes to avoid doing the same filtering every week. There are two ways of doing this after filtering the desired results in the main view:

A) Click straight on the disk icon
B) Click Filter Sets and then choose Create new Filter Set

Both of these choices open the same dialog:

Name (mandatory) = Name of the filter
Private = decide if this filter can be seen only by you, or by everyone using the view
Description (optional) = further specify what this filter can be used for

As you click Save the filter is saved in the database. After saving, it can be used in a similar view it was created in by the user that created it OR everyone in Silverbucket (based on the private slider)

In the following screenshot we have multiple filters created:
- one private filter ("Personal")
- multiple public filtes ("Absences", "High util" & "Invoiceable")
Silverbucket's Filter Sets are best used to hasten any recurring reporting needs.