View Modes, Allocation Units & Color Coding

There are four different time view modes and five different allocation unit modes for updating and viewing the resource allocation data. The panel to adjust these is found in the top-right corner of Silverbucket's graphs.

View modes (days weeks months quarters):
View modes in Silverbucket

Allocation units (relative hours days fte cte):
Allocation unit view modes in Silverbucket

Relative = allocated hours compared to the person's workday length (adjusted in Person's Dashboard)
FTE, Full Time Equivalent = uses the regular weekend calendar (5 days work, 2 days weekend) workdays * global workday length in calculations
CTE, Calendar Time Equivalent = uses the user's calendar's workdays * global workday length in calculations
A, Availability = shows the amount of hours the role could be allocated for in the specific time slot without overbooking the person
Person's maximum hours - already allocated hours per the slot's column

Default Color Coding for Allocations in Silverbucket

These are the default colors for Silverbucket's allocations and how the resourcing situation is visualized. 

The colors and color thresholds can be adjusted according to your needs. If you feel like the default way of showing things isn't ideal for you please contact  and we'll go from there.

0% (#F9F9F9)

1-30% (#F5F7AE)

31-60% (#EEF321)

61-80% (#94E864)

81-101% (#5EB72C)

102% or more (#F76B72)