In the Projects > Listing and Projects > Allocations views you can find a project action called Project Mass Edit. This is a superb tool to edit multiple projects at once in Silverbucket according to your selection.
You can edit the following attributes for your selection of projects with this tool:
Example1: Changing the customer for multiple projects at once.
1) Navigate to Projects > Listing or Projects > Allocations view.
2) Filter the desired projects in the view. In this example we have filtered all the projects that are under our test program Knowledge / RAM
3) As we can see from the screenshot we have three different customers marked for the projects. Our goal is to change the customer from existing customer to "Help & Manual Customer" for all these projects:
4) Select the projects that have the incorrect customer; in this case we're going to checkmark projects Future Project 2019 & Inspection 777, as they have an incorrect customer right now (red rectangle in the above screenshot)
5) After you are done with the selection, click Project mass edit just above the listing which opens a new modal which allows you to select which entity to edit: in this case, Customer:
6) As you click Customer you get two options:
- Choose from an existing customer
- Create a brand new customer
In this example we are selecting Choose from an existing customer and pick Help & Manual Customer from the listing provided.
7) As we click Update the results can immediately be seen from the listing:
Example2: Archiving multiple projects simultaneously.
1) Navigate to Projects > Listing or Projects > Allocations
2) List the desired projects you wish to archive. In this example we have searched with the word "Copy" so that we can archived all the projects that are copies of some other projects.
3) Click Project Mass Edit and further click on the Active slider. This opens up a marked checkbox, which needs another confirmation from the user to archive the selected projects.
4) As we uncheck the checkbox we receive a warning "Inactivating removes all future reservations".
5) After we click Update all the selected three projects will be archived.