API / Competencies

With /competencies endpoint you can manage the competencies in Silverbucket and these competencies can be used to represent  users' competencies .


When you call /competencies endpoint GET method without any parameters you will get all the competencies in the Silverbucket's database. You can expect to get result like this:
"next": "null",
"previous": null,
"current": 1,
"itemsPerPage": 500,
"count": 1744,
"lastPage": 4,
"data": [
"id": 1765,
"created": "2020-06-09T13:24:15.214647",
"modified": "2020-06-09T13:24:15.282382",
"name": "Project management",
"category": 17,
"type": null
"excelUrl": "/customer-api/1.0/competencies/?excel=true",
"csvUrl": "/customer-api/1.0/competencies/?csv=true"


You can add new competencies with the POST method. Message body should contain these fields:
"name": "<string>",
"category": <competency_category_id>


You can modify competency's name and category with PATCH method. Add the id of competency in the endpoint URL when using PATCH:
Add the new name and/or category id to message body.