Progress Numbers section shows data regarding three key factors in a project:
Hours, Expenses & Income
By setting the budgets for your projects you can reflect the budgets to the resourcing plan.
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Hour budget=
1) Project Numbers table's hour budget total row
2) if the above is empty it will come straight from the project's Basic Information
3) If both are empty the value will be 0
Realized hours (actual hours) = sum of actual hours registered for the project. Same value is also found in the realizations row (hour) in Project Numbers table.
Future allocations= sum of all the future allocations, starting from current day.
Expense budget = total value of monthly expenses set in Project Numbers table
Realized expenses= sum of all the expenses for the project. Both past and future fixed expenses are taken into account:
past actual hours * persons' cost price + fixed expenses (amount * unit price)
Future expenses= sum of future allocated hours * cost price
Total expense forecast = sum of Realized expenses and Future expenses.
Income budget=
1) Project Numbers table's total income row
2) if the above is empty it will come from the the project's Basic Information
(own income budget + external income budget + other income budget)
3) If both are empty the value will be 0
Realized income=Invoiced row of the Project Numbers table
(= sum of invoiced realizations and invoiced payment positions)
The price of realizations ("actual hours") is calculated by multiplying individual's actual hours with their hourly rate. The hourly rates for actual hours can be altered by modifying project's price models.
Future income = Uninvoiced + Payment positions in the Project Numbers table.
Depending on the project's invoicing type there are two variations for the formula:
Invoicing type = fixed
-> future income= sum of payment positions.
Invoicing type = price ceiling or time and material
-> future income = (future allocations * project role's hourly rate) + (uninvoiced past actual hours * hourly rate) + (sum of uninvoiced payment positions)