TRANSACTIONS is a tab for most of your numbers-related and money-related stuff.
Progress Numbers
HOUR BUDGET = Project Numbers table's hour budget total row.
REALIZED HOURS = Sum of actual hours registered for the project. Same value is also found in the realizations row (hour) in Project Numbers table.
FUTURE ALLOCATIONS = sum of all the future allocations, starting from the current day.
EXPENSE BUDGET = total value of monthly expenses set in Show raw data table
REALIZED EXPENSES = sum of all the expenses for the project. Both past and future fixed expenses are taken into account: past actual hours * persons' cost price + fixed expenses (amount * unit price)
FUTURE EXPENSES = sum of future allocated hours * cost price. Cost price can come from a person or from a role.
INCOME BUDGET = Show raw data table's total income row.
REALIZED INCOME = sum of invoiced realizations and invoiced payment positions. Same value as Invoiced row in the Show raw data table.
FUTURE INCOME = Uninvoiced + Payment positions in the Show raw data table.
If Invoicing type is 'Fixed' -> future income = sum of payment positions.
If Invoicing type is 'Price ceiling' or 'Time and material' -> future income = (future allocations * project role's hourly rate) + (uninvoiced past actual hours * hourly rate) + (sum of uninvoiced payment positions)
Here you can create invoices for the project. While creating one, you can choose the start date and end date it covers; all uninvoiced actuals and payment positions are marked as invoiced afterwards
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Payment Positions
Create simple Payment Positions for the project. Requires date, amount, price and type.
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Fixed Expenses
Create simple Fixed Expenses for the project. Requires date, amount, price and type.
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Price Models
The pricing system is implemented for both resourced hours (allocated hours) and actual hours (realized hours) separately.
VALID FROM = Starting date for the price model to take place
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DEFAULT HOURLY RATE = Default rate to use if no other rules can be applied
You can select between TASK PRICES and PEOPLE PRICES for your price model. You can also use both - in this case the PEOPLE PRICES are only taken into calculations if a project role has no task set for them on the project. Tasks can be connected to a project role when creating the role and afterwards by editinga role.
"Copy people prices to their project forecast prices" dictates whether or not the same hourly rates should be used for resourced hours as well. By default the price model only affects actual hours but with this slider you can give an hourly rate to resourced hours as well.