SYNC: Projects

When importing data to Silverbucket it is vital to keep the structure identical to the example datasheet to ensure a flawless import:

- First row contains the names of the headers - it is not necessary to edit the first row.
Second row in your file is where your data starts to get imported
Columns need to be in the same exact order as in the examples
- Rows after the default structure's last column are never read / handled when importing
Never have hidden columns in your data sheets

What data is this integration used for
- Projects with simple metadata

The outcome of this import can be seen in the Projects > Listing view, for example.

Integration's data fields
col. A
Project's name
Project manager's e-mail
Project's customer's name
Start date (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
End date (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
Project's code

The example file in the screenshot will integrate / create the following:

1) A project called 'Support Project' with the following metadata:

Project Manager =  (this user wasn't yet added to Silverbucket before the import, so the user will be created with email " ")
Project's customer = City of Helsinki
Project's start date = 15th of February, 2020
Project's code = 'SP'

2) A project called 'Maintenance' with the following metadata:

Project Manager = Adam Adamson (matched by the email )
Project end date = 30th June, 2020
Code = 'MTNC'

Row 4 will be skipped; project name is a mandatory field. Fill in the name for the project in order to import it.

Rules & basic principles of this integration
Silverbucket matches rows to Silverbucket's data case-sensitively ("SilverBucket_Support" is not considered the same as "silverbucket_support").
However, matching email fields is done case-insensitively (" Support@Silverbucket.Com " is considered the same as " " when creating a user, for example)
- Existing projects are searched with the project's name (project:name) or project's code (project:code)
A) If a match is found the existing project will be updated with that row's corresponding information
B) If no match is found from Silverbucket, a new project will be created with the row's information:
- Project Managers are matched to personnel by email (projectlead:email)
- Project manager will be created with the added email if no match is found (projectlead:email)
- if customer field is not filled in for the project, a default customer will be set as the project's customer (customer:name)

If the data structure was correct, you can see the outcome in Silverbucket right after the upload. You can check this by navigating to an imported Project's Dashboard, as an example the below screenshot is from the project 'Support Project':

94Bytes, Uploaded 7 months ago

190Bytes, Uploaded 7 months ago