The pricing system is implemented for both allocated hours (forecast) and actual hours (realized hours) separately.
Pricing the Allocations (forecast price)
The price for allocations will be the first one that applies from this list:
1) Project role's hourly rate (A: pen icon or B: Edit forecast prices modal or C: "copy people prices to their project forecast prices" checkbox)
2) Project invoicing price groups
3) Person's forecast price
4) Role's hourly rate
5) Global hourly price (can be tweaked for your Silverbucket environment by support if necessary). By default the value is 0.
1a)Project role's hourly rate / single-edit with pen icon
Specific project roles can be priced straight from the project's dashboard by hovering over it and clicking the pen icon and inserting a value in the field Hourly rate. This can also be inserted through the information modes.
1b)Project role's hourly rate / mass-edit with "Edit forecast prices"
You can edit all the project roles in the "Edit Forecast Prices" modal. It is located just above the membership listing for the project. In there, you can add the hourly rate for allocated hours. You can also add an hour budget and a multiplier for the hourly rate, if you wish. These are the same values as under the pen icon edit (1a), it's just another location to handle them.
This sketch cannot currently be displayed in exports
1c)"Copy people prices to their project forecast prices" in Price Models
Price model's prices are most commonly used for actual hours, but by ticking the checkbox underneath them you can also reflect these changes to forecast prices.
Note: The Valid from value plays no role if the checkbox is used to forecast allocations; allocations are always priced from beginning to end.
Examples for price model can also be found from the Project's Actions article, under the "Price models" section.
2) Project invoicing price groups
These can currently only be created and modified from our customer API's. Both invoicing price groups and project invoicing price groups must be set for these prices to come active. These features are explained in more detail in the corresponding API articles: Invoicing Price Groups & Project Invoicing Price Groups
3) Person's forecast price
This value can be set in the Person's Dashboard or in the Admin view. This price will be used if the project has no specific prices for the person or task already set.
By default every Silverbucket environment has a global hourly price which will be used if no other price is set. This global hourly price is set to zero by default. If you wish to change this please contact
Pricing the actual hours (realized hours)
In 99% of the environments the actual hours are priced with the price models. Options 2 & 3 can only be used if your Silverbucket Key Account Manager recommends it.
The price for actual hours will be the first one that applies from this list:
1) Price models:task > people > default value. This is 99% how the actual hours are priced unless your Silverbucket account manager has stated otherwise.
2) Project role's hourly rate if the person has a task set to them.
3) Invoicing price group set for the person. Right now the invoicing price groups can only be adjusted with the help of your key account manager.
4) Global hourly price (can be tweaked for your Silverbucket environment by support if necessary). By default the value is 0.
Price models
In the price model view you can decide if you want to price the task, the people or give a default value for all the actual hours registered for this project. If multiple values are added, the hierarchy goes from top to bottom:
Actual hours are registered in the system in two possible ways:
A) by using Silverbucket's own Timesheet-feature. The timesheet functionality in Silverbucket allows its users to enter their work hours in the system, which are then used to calculate prices under these rules.
B) by importing them from a different system through an integration. In this case the price information regarding actuals will usually be imported as well.