Utilization rates report is one of the most powerful and diverse reports in Silverbucket. The report type can be selected from the Common Filters:
- Utilization rates
- Invoicing rates
Utilization rates can be viewed from five perspectives
- Person
- Roles
- User Groups
- Organizations
- Supervisors
Data Calculations
Utilization rates - like all the others rates in Silverbucket - are calculated based on the capacity calculated from the calendar; rates are not calculated based on the person's actual registered hours from the past, for example.
This report is designed to track monthly data.
The three most widely used combinations through the filters are listed below. This is an important part of understanding how the capacity is calculated and whether or not the absences are taken into account, for example.
1) Full data without any exclusions (all allocations and full capacity)
= Exclude absences from capacity (common filters) is off and absences (project type filters) is on
2) Absence projects' allocations and actual hours are excluded from the calculation
= Exclude absences from capacity (common filters) is off and absences (project type filters) is off
3) Absence projects' allocations and actual hours are excluded from the data calculation and capacity calculation
= Exclude absences from capacity (common filters) is on and absences (project type filters) is off
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Other Notable Filters
Common Filters > Use scaled capacity takes the person's capacity value into account (adjusted in the Person's Dashboard)
Person type filters > Unassigned Roles only works in the By Roles and By Organizations tabs. Activate this filter to include unassigned roles in the calculations.
Report Data Types
Decide which data is shown in the report:
- Realizations (= actual hours)
- Allocations
- Allocations and realizations (= actual hours)
Use Cases
You can monitor the utilization rates or invoicing rates from different perspectives:
By person = utilization/invoicing rates on a person level
By roles = utilization/invoicing rates for the people with the selected role (unassigned roles are excluded)
By user groups = utilization/invoicing rates of a specific user group
By organizations = utilization/invoicing rates summed on an organization level
By supervisors = utilization/invoicing rates for the subordinates of selected supervisor
When using the By supervisors option the data is always shown from the supervisors' point of view.
- If you have a long chain of supervisors in the system, you might have to dig a little deeper if you wish to see a certain supervisor's subordinates' utilization rates
- If you select a supervisor which has no supervisors beneath no data can be shown and you are greeted with a SELECTED SUPERVISOR HAS NO SUB SUPERVISORS message. In this scenario you should go a little higher in the hierarchy.
N/A = capacity is zero but the person has allocations in the given time range
0% = person has zero allocations in the given time range