People > Allocations Overview Graph: How Is It Calculated?

Workday lengths, person's capacity and employment type (own, external) can be adjusted in the Person's Dashboard.

Project's probability and project's type (invoiceable, non-invoiceable & absence) can be adjusted in the Project's Dashboard.

Total capacity
= active personnel * persons' workday length - absences marked in admin-view

Scaled total capacity
= [active personnel * persons' workday length - absences (marked in admin-view)] * capacity value

Own capacity
= cumulative sum of own resources & their workday length

Scaled Own Capacity
= cumulative sum of own resources & their workday length * capacity value

External capacity
= cumulative sum of external resources & their workday length

External scaled capacity
= cumulative sum of external resources & their workday length * capacity value

Planned (unassigned)
= summed allocations of unassigned roles for projects that have probability set between 0% to 99%

Planned (people)
= summed allocations of people for projects that have probability set between 0% to 99%

Unassigned roles
= summed allocations for unassigned roles

= summed allocations for projects that are marked as Absence

= summed allocations for projects that are marked as non-invoiceable

Invoicable external
= summed allocations of people marked as external for projects marked as invoiceable

Invoicable own
= summed allocations of people marked as own for projects marked as invoiceable

All actuals
= sum of actual hours registered in Silverbucket (Timesheet / Integrations)

Invoiceable actuals
= sum of invoiceable actual hours registered in Silverbucket (through Timesheet or Integrations)
- Project needs to be marked as invoiceable (Project's Dashboard)
- Task needs to be marked as invoiceable (Project's Dashboard -> Project's Tasks)
If you can't save the task as invoiceable make sure your project's type is invoiceable first. :)

By hovering over the graph you can see detailed information about capacity, free capacity and all reservations depending on your filters. This works for both capacity & scaled capacity.

Capacity = active personnel * persons' workday length - absences marked in admin-view
Free capacity = Capacity - All reservations
All reservations = Corresponding timeslot's all allocations

The 'All reservations' slot is a SUM of all the allocations in the corresponding time slot; in this example May, 2019