Using the Utilization Range filter in People > Allocations allows you to easily find the people that are available for your projects. It can also be used in the opposite way; to find the overloaded personnel and reduce their workload for projects. This filter is located in the Person Filters column.
is the resourcing percentage compared to the allocations.
determines the time span looking forward.
In the example above we are trying to find all the personnel whose resourcing situation is between 0% - 70%in the next 16 weeks.
With these values Silverbucket lists every single resource whose resourcing situation is between the given values. Examples that will be listed:
A person doing 8 weeks at 100% capacity and the next 8 weeks at 0% averages at50%
A person resourced for 70% for the next year averages at 70%
All the personnel that aren't resourced at all are listed as they average 0%
The matching results are listed in the Personnel listing below:
"List every single person that is overloaded within the next two months following the summer holidays that end August 1st"
For this scenario we can enter the following values:
We still have the View Mode set as weeks, so the value of 8 is fine. In addition to this we want to make sure the date is set to August 1st by setting it through the datepicker icon top-right of the resourcing views:
As select the date the listing is automatically updated but you should also make sure you have clicked the Update Report button below the filters so the timerange is applied properly. After all this is set, you can see the overloaded personnel: