Project pricing can be done with invoicing groups. If Silverbucket environment has some invoicing price groups set, then you can add prices for different groups to projects with project_invoicing_price_groups endpoint. If you add some person to a project which has the pricing group set then this person's allocations and actuals will use invoicing price group's price. URL to this endpoint is:
"count": 1,
"csvUrl": "/customer-api/1.0/project_invoicing_price_groups/?csv=true",
"itemsPerPage": 500,
"excelUrl": "/customer-api/1.0/project_invoicing_price_groups/?excel=true",
"next": null,
"current": 1,
"lastPage": 1,
"data": [
"id": 1,
"invoicing_price": "100.00",
"invoicing_price_group": 1,
"project": 270
"previous": null
With POST method you can add invoicing price group to some project. URL is the as in GET and you should add the body as follows:
"invoicing_price": <DECIMAL (10.2)>,
"invoicing_price_group": <invoicing_price_group_id>,
"project": <project_id>
If you want to modify some record, it can be done with the PATCH method. URL for the PATCH must include the record's ID which you wish to edit:
In message body you should deliver the edited fields. You can edit all the fields which are available for POSTing.