Main Views in Silverbucket

All of the main views in Silverbucket are located in the main navigation bar. The main navigation bar contains valuable oversights, such as the listing & allocations for both people and projects , the person's dashboard and personalization options.
Detailed information about these views are found under the Instructions-section

Main Navigation Bar

The main navigation bar can always be found from the top of screen.
It consists of multiple features (listed from left to right):

Silverbucket-logo and the person-icon takes you to your own dashboard.

People, Projects, Customers, Requests, Timesheet and Reports take you to the corresponding views. Note: these headers can be configured environment-specifically, combinations might vary.

Quick search allows you to search basically anything in the system swiftly. 

- Currently there is no operators (OR, AND etc) implemented
- "Wild symbols" such as asterisk(*) are not necessary; simply search with the start of the word if you are uncertain how the word ends
- Pro tip: Double-clicking 's' on your keyboard is a hotkey for this search :)

Cogwheel icon is used for Personal Configurations inside Silverbucket such as default layout, sending of e-mail notifications etc

Process instructions icon takes you to a separate website which usually contains company's internal instructions (this can be configured by admins of Silverbucket in the Admin view under 'System settings' called 'Process Instructions URL')

Document icon takes you to Silverbucket's Help & Manual (this very same website)

Notifications icon tells you the amount of notifications directed for you - by clicking it you can see more detailed information about them. Notification settings can be configured by clicking the cogwheel icon

Ellipsis icon in the top-right corner has multiple options depending on your user rights.

- Preferred language (suomeksi, svenska, in english)
- Password change
- Admin-view