Extensive Project Report is a useful tool for tracking the actual hours registered in Silverbucket from various perspectives:
- Projects
- Projects by person
- Projects by task
- Projects by tasks by persons
- Projects by persons by tasks
- Persons by projects
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Basic Information
- Hours are always shown on monthly level
- If filter Show by currency is checked the hours are converted into currency based on hours and pricing.
In order to show the data in currency both the project AND the project's task need to be set as Invoicable in the Project's Dashboard.
- Exporting data will always export in both hours and currency.
- The column estimated represents the hours estimated for the project's tasks.
Estimations can be inserted in the Project's Dashboard under Project's Tasks
By using the filters and tabs you can dig deep into the projects and see where, when and by whom the time was spent:
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Using the 'Persons by projects' -option you can see the actual hours of certain users by projects. This can be a powerful tool for checking a whole department that are marked in a specific organization, for example.
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Exporting has the option to include more metadata regarding projects:
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Activating this slider will add the following columns to the export: