The project numbers table offers numerical data based on allocations, expenses and given budgets. Some numbers come automatically from the system as you make resource allocations - some data is managed manually.
(eur)= estimated income budget for the project. Edited by clicking any of the slots in the table or by clicking the ellipsis icon.
(hours) = budgeted hours for the project. Edited by clicking any of the slots in the table or by clicking the ellipsis icon.
(eur) = estimated expense budget for the project. Edited by clicking any of the slots in the table.
(hours) = Cumulative sum of all the allocations for the project
(eur) = Cumulative sum of all the allocations forecast price from task / role
(eur) = Cumulative sum of all the allocations cost price from role
(eur) = (eur) (eur)
(hours) = Cumulative sum of all the actual hours registered for the project
(eur) =Cumulative sum of all the actual hours registered for the project * price from task / role
(eur) = fixed expenses for the project. Edited by clicking, explained below in this article
(eur) = Payment positions for the project. Edited by clicking, explained below in this article
(eur) = Amount invoiced for the project. Explained below in this article
(eur) = Amount uninvoiced for the project. Edited by clicking, explained below in this article
You can add the income budget for your project through the basic information section or through the project numbers table.
In the example above we have set the project's schedule to be 1st of June - 30th of September.
You can divide the budget evenly for the project's months or sum the monthly values together into one budget .
(coloured orange):
We have set the Income budget as 10,000€. If we click on the ellipsis icon (blue circle) and choose Distribute to monthly income budget the budget will be divided evenly for all the slots depending on the project's schedule. In this example monthly income budget for each month will be 2,500€ (10,000€ divided for 4 months).
All the previous data added in the project numbers table will be erased. In this example the 2,500€ for May would be erased:
(coloured green):
Takes all the current monthly income budgets and sets the total value as the new Own Income Budget in basic information. This will erase the previous value set in the basic information.
In the example above the new Own Income Budget would be 2500€ (only May has a value set). Note that this will take all the months into account, so the TOTAL row in the right will always be the value transferred over to basic information.
There are two ways to add an hour budget for your project.
A) You can add an hour budget for your projects in the basic info section:
B) Or you can add the monthly hour budget straight to the corresponding months in Project Numbers table:
We also have two actions under the ellipsis icon in the Project Numbers table.
which gathers all the monthly hour budgets (set in the Project Numbers table) and sets them as the new Hour Budget in the project's basic information. In this case the new hour budget would be 750 hours (200h + 250h + 300h).
Note: any value set in the basic information will be overwritten.
allows you to immediately allocate the total hours from the Hour budget row to one specific role. In the screenshot below we are moving these hours for the unassigned role 'Accountant':
After we save the changes the unassigned role Accountant will be allocated for 750 hours between the project's schedule, which is 1st of June - 30th of September.
You can add and monitor the fixed expenses of the project by clicking the blue hamburger icon which allows you to add & edit the project's expenses.
Afterwards these are shown in the corresponding month in Project Numbers table.:
The hamburger icon on the payment positions row opens a modal in which you can create, edit or delete payment positions.
Invoiced row shows the total amount of invoices made for each month. The hamburger icon in this row gives a more detailed view of each invoice made, and allows editing and deleting of invoice rows.
Deleting an invoice row releases connected payments and they appear back on the uninvoiced row.
The Uninvoiced row's hamburger icon opens a window for invoice creation. This window automatically creates a row for uninvoiced payment positions and the actual hours for chosen time range if any exist. You can also manually add your own rows.
You can also create invoices by directly clicking an uninvoiced amount on the row. This is a handy way of invoicing your project for the month you clicked.
If you click the total value of the Invoiced row, invoicing is done from start of the project until the current date: