A lot of information can be tied to a project in Silverbucket. There are fields which are marked with an asterisk* that ensure resourcing and data is coherent throughout Silverbucket. In addition to the mandatory fields, there are optional fields which can be used to support your resourcing processes and project categorization further.
Basic information:
Project's customer; can be used for filtering and reporting needs
Project's code; used to further identify a project; can be used in search functions
Person managing the project; grants user rights regarding the project; can be used in filtering and reporting
Project's organization; can be used in filtering and reporting; might grant user rights (multi-organization user rights model)
Project's currency; automatically populated based on system's default value
Under "More options":
Project tag; used to categorize projects; can be used in filtering
Beginning day for the project; can be used in filtering
Last day for the project; can be used in filtering
Budgeted hours for roles marked as 'own'; used in budget calculations
Used to categorize projects; programs are usually used as an "umbrella project" for multiple projects; can be used in filtering
Invoicable / Non-invoicable / Absence; affects pricing calculations; can be used in filtering
Budgeted hours for roles marked as 'external'; used in budget calculations
Project portfolio; used to categorize projects; can be used in filtering
Time and material / Fixed Price / Price Ceiling; affects pricing calculations; can be used in filtering
Probability of the project happening; used to identify projects which are maybe not yet 100% sure to happen; can be used in filtering
Project category; used to categorize projects; can be used in filtering
Project's extra code; used to further identify a project; usually used for integration purposes
Priority of the project; can be used to sort in certain views of Silverbucket to get a glance which projects are more important than others
A free text field to further describe what the project is about
Project's can be categorized in multiple different ways in Silverbucket and all of these can be cross-used for even deeper insights. Categorizing fields are:
- Program
- Project tag
- Portfolio
- Category
is best used for projects that are considered as sub-projects. Program is usually perceived as an "umbrella project". is a more free-formed way to categorize projects. One example of project tags could be "Major projects" and "Small projects". is the best option when you have project portfolios and wish to keep the "big picture" of certain projects together. suits well for organizations who want to individualize projects. Some examples could be "development projects", "maintenance projects" etc.