By using the SYNC view you can easily import big chunks of data in .xlsx or .csv format to Silverbucket.
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This is the view to actually integrate and bring data to your Silverbucket. Select your file and the corresponding integration and click RUN INTEGRATION. After a little while you can see your data in Silverbucket if everything went smoothly.
This sketch cannot currently be displayed in exports
This view simply uploads a file to our servers without handling them. Select your file that you wish for us to analyse over on our end and click UPLOAD. Please also send an email to as to why the file was uploaded.
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General information
The SYNC view is a useful and easy-to-use tool especially when changing from another software to Silverbucket. All of our integrations can be used by you at any time and any number of times. It is also a great tool if you are just testing the possibilities of Silverbucket in a trial-environment, for example.
Note: if you have customer-tailored integrations created specifically for you, please contact us directly if you have questions about them. These are indicated with the name of your company, for example "people-companyname-integration"
When importing data to Silverbucket it is vital to keep the structure identical to the example datasheet to ensure a flawless import:
- First row contains the names of the headers - it is not necessary to edit the first row.
- Second row is where your data starts to get imported
- Columns need to be in the same exact order as in the example excel
- Rows after the default structure's last column are never read / handled when importing
Ensure a flawless result when using multiple integrations
To achieve the best results when integrating with multiple data files and integrations please follow this order:
1) People or Extended-people
2) Customers or Extended-customers
3) Projects or Extended-projects
4) Competency
Default integrations in every Silverbucket environment