User Rights in Silverbucket for Single Organizations

There are two main concepts when it comes to user rights:

- Single-Organization User Rights (smaller companies with a single organization with <1000 users). This is most likely the setup you are using if you are viewing this article.

- Multi-organisation user rights (organisation-based visibility, usually for bigger corporate organizations with >1000 users)

Single Organization User Rights

User rights for people are administered by the admins of Silverbucket. Person's user rights can be adjusted straight from the Person's Dashboard or by navigating over to the admin panel.

Changing User Rights in the Person's Dashboard

Admins can change people's user rights in the Person's dashboard.

Changing User Rights in the Admin View

Admins can also change people's user rights through the admin panel. Admin panel can be accessed from the top navigation bar by clicking the ellipsis icon and then selecting 'Admin' in the opening list.

Default Types of User Rights


Administrator (admin) is the only user that has access to the admin view of Silverbucket. Admins of Silverbucket can give the right to create new users and set them with desired user rights. This means that only the current admins of your company's Silverbucket can appoint new admins to Silverbucket.

The admin view allows multiple concepts to be modified:

Project tags
User groups
Authorization groups
Project Categories
Project Portfolios
Cost centers
System settings

Full Rights

Full rights can be given to a user only by an admin. A user with full rights can see information regarding projects, people and resourcing quite widely but can't edit all of that information:

- They can not add new people
- They can not edit Person's Dashboard fields (basic information, employment, pricing, account)
- They can not edit other people's actual hours or competencies
- They can not access the admin panel
- They can not use the SYNC view

Full rights gives the user the possibility to allocate anyone for any project in the system. A person with full rights is also able to create new projects and set other persons as project managers in the system.

Full rights are usually recommended for resource managers, line managers and similar roles inside your company.

Basic User

Basic user is the default set of rights given to a new user as a user is created. Basic users can see:

- Projects and information of projects they are added to (also financials)
- Resourcing situation of the projects they are added to (but not tentative allocations)
- Own dashboard and own competencies
- Own timesheet and registered hours
- Reports' data regarding themselves
- Basic users can't resource themselves in projects by default; you can ask us to change this by sending an email to 

Note: By appointing a basic user as a project manager for a certain project that user gets the project manager rights immediately - more information below.

Project Manager

Every project has a project manager. When a person is set as the project manager for a project they are immediately given the rights to see more information regarding that particular project.

Project manager can
- edit the resourcing situation of that project
- edit the details of that project
- see data regarding that project from all the people added to that project

Note: adding someone as project manager for a project is not the same as adding someone to a project team with simply the role named “project manager” - the project manager is found in the project's basic information