SYNC: Actuals

SYNC-View: Actuals (realized hours)

What data is this integration used for
- Importing actual hours for personnel between the given timespan.
When integrating actual hours it is vital to always bring every hour record for every user between the first and last date in the file; integration will always clear the actual hours from the given timespan first and then insert file's actual hours afterwards.

Integration's data fields
col. A
Task name (optional)
Project's Code
Hours (for example 4,5)
Note (optional)

The example file in the screenshot will integrate / create the following:

1) 4,5 hours for project [RS]Bridge 2 with a note "Documentation" for user whose username is 'olivia.hall_91'
2) Row 2 will be skipped because no such project code is found in Silverbucket as "RS 23". Before re-integrating the file, a project with such Project Code should be created first.

Rules & basic principles of this integration
- Silverbucket matches rows to Silverbucket's usernames case-sensitively ("SilverBucket_Support" is not considered the same as "silverbucket_support")
- Always bring all the actual hours between the file's timespan in the file. Integration will first empty the actual hours from the given interval and then create "a new truth" of actual hours

- Task name is optional, but you can use it to target certain project's tasks if you wish

- Hours can be given as the value "4" (four hours) or more precisely with decimals "4,5" (four hours and thirty minutes), "4,25" (four hours 15 minutes)

- If project code was not found in the system, row will be skipped. Make sure the project's are in Silverbucket with the correct Project Codes before integrating. 
If the data structure was correct, you can see the outcome in Silverbucket right after the upload. You can check this by using the User Report that tracks actual hours, for example.

53Bytes, Uploaded 7 months ago

110Bytes, Uploaded 7 months ago