Cash Flow

Cash Flow report gathers projects' invoicing forecasts and shows them grouped by projects, customers or project managers. It consists of three sections:

- Budget Numbers
- Follow Up
- Invoicing Forecast

Budget Numbers

Income budget =  Own income budget + External income budget + Other income budget (Project's Dashboard, Financials section)

Invoiced = Amount of invoiced money (Project's Dashboard, same number as the Project Numbers -table offers)

Uninvoiced = (Income Budget + External Income Budget + Other Income Budget) - Invoiced

Realized hours = Total actual hours for the project (Registered in the system through the Timesheet functionality or via integration)

Expenses = Amount of fixed expenses (Project's Dashboard, same number as the Project Numbers -table offers)

Invoiced /h = Amount of invoiced currency / actual hours registered for the project

Uninvoiced work = Invoiceable actuals that are not yet invoiced (shown in currency)


Realization = SUM of all Invoiced (Same as Project Numbers table's Invoiced SUM)

Forecast = Allocations * Project role's hourly rate

Total = Realization + Forecast

Realized hours = Amount of all actual hours for the project

Future reservations = Amount of all future allocations (in hours)

Total hours = Realized hours + Future reservations

Expenses = all registered actual hours * cost price + future allocated hours * cost price + fixed expenses

Turnover /h = Total / Total hours (indicates the value of how much one hour brings money from the project for the company)

Profitability % = Total / Expenses

Invoicing Forecast 

Invoicing Forecast  tab lists the invoiced and uninvoiced values for the project.

Forecast start date = Cash Flow report's Invoicing forecast tab uses current date as cut-off date by default and calculates values according to the following equations:

Before the selected date = Actual hours for the project * hourly rate (from person/role)
After the selected date = Allocated hours for the project * forecast price (from person / role)

current day
1st of this month
1st of next month
select date

Show empty rows = Decide if you want to see totally empty rows in the dataset

Order results by value = You can order the dataset according to the total value visible in the screen. The biggest project will be on top and the smallest project in the bottom.

Conflict icon in the dataset = Indicates that project's one or more project role's pricing is calculated with the global (default) price.