My Resourcing Slot has Something "Extra" in it - what is it?

Silverbucket has multiple resourcing functionalities and some of these are shown directly in the resourcing slots with colors, icons etc.

Striped Resourcing Slots

These are an indicator of tentative allocations, "Soft booking".

Gray Dog Ear in the Top-right Corner

Sometimes the tentative allocations are lost in the "real world of confirmed resourcing" so we have implemented a little gray dog ear in the top-right corner to showcase these when viewing in confirmed mode.

Completely Gray Resourcing Slots

An example of this could be a project that has been archived or not yet started. Another would be a person that has been archived or the person's job hasn't started yet / has already ended.

Blue Dog Ear in the Top-left Corner

You can add Allocation Notes regarding the resourcing for project's roles. The blue dog ear indicates there is a note written for a specific date.

Black Dog Ear in the Top-left Corner

Projects can be highlighted with a project tag to indicate that there is something special about them.

Note: if there are both Allocation Notes (blue dog ear) and Highlighted Projects (black dog ear) in the same resourcing slot, only the Allocation Notes (blue dog ear) are shown.

Solid Black Border / Dashed Border

The dashed/bolded border indicates allocations made for Absence projects.
  • Dashed (or "dotted") border indicates the person is 0% - 80% resourced as absent in the corresponding resourcing slot.
  • Solid black border indicates the person is 80% - 100% resourced as absent in the corresponding resourcing slot.