allows you to set milestones for your project. Clicking the icon opens a window in which you can create milestones and also see previously created milestones.
Project's tasks
As a project is created, a default task with identical name is also created. This task's name will change accordingly if the project's name changes later on.
The Projects tasks button opens a window in which you can create and edit tasks:
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As you click Add a new task a new area opens in the modal which allows you to specify your task a little more:
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Task name= Name for the task
Estimated hours= If you have an estimate of total hours for the task you can insert it here.
Task type / Invoiceable= whether or not the task's work is considered billable or not.
In order for the task to show up in Extensive Project Report this needs to be set as 'Invoiceable'
Task type / Active= whether or not the task is currently active.
This also dictates whether or not actual hours can be registered for the project's task.
Tasks are used to specify what kind of work is done for the project in a more detailed level. Actual hours are always registered on task level.
Hour Lock
allows you to lock the actual hours for a certain time period:
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Price models
allows you to set prices for actual hours (and allocated hours by using the checkbox) in different scenarios.
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A) Person named Help & Manual User works 10 hours for the General work task. The price for this would be picked from the People Prices slot (10 hours * 20 Euros = 200 Euros).
B) The same person Help & Manual User spent 10 hours with the Documentation and Writing task. In this case the price would be selected from the Task Prices section instead because the task prices are higher up in the hierarchy (10 hours * 17 Euros = 170 Euros).
Project's Roles
provides you detailed insights about the allocations by roles or by people.
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Copy Project
is a powerful tool to create multiple similar projects in Silverbucket. The copy project dialog allows you to choose which attributes to copy and mirror to a fresh new project.
You can copy the following attributes from one project to another project:
- Milestones
- Budgets
- Project tags (= project tag from Basic Information)
- Invoicing details
- Prices
- Roles & Reservations (activating the "Roles" slider provides you more options about copying the roles. This also applies the "Reservations" slider afterwards.
Under Roles you can also copy the users and their reservations to the new project. Even further, you can move the allocations to start from a specific date. When copying allocations to a new project the hours will always be shifted starting from the closest full week.This maneuver addresses any unwanted situations in the project's resourcing (for example allocating hours for weekends by accident etc)
This feature merges the current project's allocations, actual hours, budgets, price models, tags, portfolios, milestones and users to the desired destination project. Source project will be permanently deleted.
1) Navigate to the project which you want to merge into another project. In our example we are going to use a project called Maintenance & Upkeepproject which we want to merge into another existing project called Bridges & Dams.
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2) Click the Merge to another project button found on the Project's Dashboard
3) In the opening view you can select the desired project which you want to merge to project into: Bridges & Dams in our case:
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4) After you click Merge the source project is merged into the project chosen in step 3.
Two become one.
Project mapping
is used only when integrating actual hours. It maps the actual hours from one project to another project. This feature is not necessary unless Silverbucket support has adviced you to use it.