Exporting Competencies from Silverbucket

This export is not visible by default. If you feel like this could help with your resourcing, you can reach us by emailing  support@silverbucket.com 

Spring 2020 brings us a brand new exporting functionality which can be accessed from the People > Allocations -view:

Exported data is always delivered according to the filters and search results you have visible. This way you can have the perfect export file with the desired people.

The export will always include the starting date's week and twelve (12) weeks onward starting from the date you pick as Start date.

The export lists the following data by default:

External ID = External ID (Person's Dashboard)
Full name = First name & Last name
List of Competencies = All the competencies added for the person, found in Person's Dashboard. Competencies are listed from the most skilled competency to the least skilled competency. The competency level's grade is indicated in brackets just after the name of the competency)
Site = Site (Person's Dashboard)
Supervisor = Supervisor's name (Person's Dashboard)
Weekload = 5 * Workday Length (Person's Dashboard)
Weekly allocations = Allocations for the user, twelve (12) weeks onward depending on the inserted start date when exporting).

An example export: