You can add data about the project's possible risks and hazards in the Project's Dashboard.
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There are four types of risks listed in Silverbucket:
Resourcing risk
Scope risk
Budget risk
Schedule risk
As you click on any of the risks a new window opens. In that window you can define the probability (P) and impact (I) of the chosen risk.
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As the P and I values are estimated you can also add a supplementary note about the risk. This is done by clicking the Add a note button.
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You can also mark risks as Realized with a slider found in the risk analysis window. This is a slider that toggles whether or not the risk actually became a reality or not.
In the Risks section in Project's Dashboard you can see two icons for the risks:
- Chat icon indicates if the risk has a note written for it
- Bell icon indicates if the risk analysis became a reality
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Risks in the Bigger Picture
In the Projects > Listing view you can have a detailed view about the current risk situation for your organisation's projects. As you have the desired projects listed, you can click on the header called Risks found top-right of the listing.
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By clicking on individual headers, such as Resourcing Risk or Scope Risk, you can sort the list based on your needs.
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Risk History
You can also view the risk history for the projects based on your listing. Risk history tab is located just next to the Risks tab in Projects > Listing.
In the example below we can see that a user Help & Manual User has adjusted the risk values for a project called Help & Manual Project, which was us just earlier in this article.
CREATION = something was created in the risks view
CHANGE = a parameter was edited in the risks view
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Deleting a note leaves no traces behind - use deletion wisely.