Performance Dashboard

Performance Dashboard represents data in an easy-to-read visual gauge. It can offer information on the current resourcing situation, well-being of the personnel in your company, project productivity etc.

There are two modes in the Performance Dashboard:
- View mode that allows you to view all the created gauges simultaneously
- Edit mode that allows modifying, editing & adjusting the gauges

Switching between these modes is done through the top-right corner's Enable edit mode.

Navigating in the View
As you enter the view you enter it in the viewing mode and you can see every gauge that has been created that are visible to you. There can be endless amounts of gauges in this view, which you can put in your preferred order.

Clicking the Enable edit mode button grants you two editing features:

- Add new widget row
- Edit section

Add New Widget Row
By clicking this button you can add as many widget rows as necessary. Every time this button is pressed, you get a new row that has four main configurations:

- Placeholder title = give a unique name for the created row
- Placeholder description = a more descriptive and usually longer description for your row
- Plus icon (+) in the middle = hop straight into the Widget Settings (more info below)

- Widget actions =
Cancel = cancels the changes made to the widget row.
Arrow up = moves the widget up in the Dashboard
Arrow down = moves the widget down in the Dashboard
Add widget = add more widgets
Save changes = saves the changes made for the current widget

Edit Section
Edit Section allows you to edit previously created widgets in the Performance Dashboard. By clicking the cogwheel icon you can edit your existing gauges. Remember to save the changes afterwards!

Setting up the Gauges ("Widget Settings")

By either clicking on the plus-icon (+) or by editing an existing gauge by clicking the cogwheel icon the Widget Settings modal opens up:

Widget title = Header for the gauge. Shown on top of the gauge.

Description for values under the limit = If the gauge's pointer is pointing below the minimum value, this text is shown. Limits are adjusted with the 'Minimum threshold, minimum value' parameters.

Description for values on target = If the gauge's pointer is pointing to the on target -zone, this text is shown. Limits are adjusted with the 'Minimum threshold, minimum value, maximum threshold, maximum value' parameters.

Description for values over the limit = If the gauge's pointer is pointing over the limit, this text is shown. Limits are adjusted with the 'Maximum threshold, maximum value' parameters.

Choose relative time range = You can choose the time range in which the gauge is tracking data of. Make sure your Days / Weeks / Months / Years option is selected and choose the time interval in which you wish to track data.

Time range is one of the main components when setting up gauges.

Widget data type
Widget data type is another major setting to the gauges; this is the main factor when deciding what the gauge is tracking. There are two options:
- Allocated hours
- Actual hours

When we combine the time range and data type with above screenshots' settings, we are tracking the allocated hours of our personnel. The data is gathered from the past two months and upcoming three months.
Tentative allocations are never included in the calculations.

The data is then crunched down by calculating the amount of allocated hours in relation to personnel's capacity for the given time range.

Gauge's values can't be directly compared to the main view's graphs' values because of different calculation methods.

Filter Sets
To separate only your desired personnel or target audience with the gauges you can take advantage of Silverbucket's Filter Sets, which allow you to save specific search criteria for repetitive use. You can use any Filter Set that is set as a Public Filter Set (except utilization range & only allocated filters)

Gauge Values & Thresholds

Gauges' values and thresholds should be adjusted according to what you wish to achieve with that particular gauge:

- What do we want to track with the gauge?
- When should the gauge indicate that we are below the desired goal?
- When should the gauge indicate that we are above the desired goal?

These questions combined with the description values (explained above) offer an insightful tool inside Silverbucket.

Gauge minimum value = the smallest value our gauge shows. Shown in the bottom-left.

Minimum threshold = adjusts the spot between yellow and green area; the "lowest value we are still OK with"

Gauge maximum value = the highest value our gauge shows; shown in the bottom-right.

Maximum threshold = adjusts the spot between green and red area; the "highest value we are still OK with"

Thresholds allow you to setup the green area - the "sweet spot" - for your gauge.