Basic information -section has multiple metadata fields regarding the project. Any of the fields can be edited by clicking the corresponding fields - if you have the required rights for this.
name of the project's customer
if the project is part of a bigger concept - a program - it will be shown here
name of the project's manager/leader
which organization is responsible for the project
the starting date and ending date for the project
if the project is part of a category, it will be shown here
if the project is part of a portfolio, it will be shown here
if the project is tagged with a certain projecttag, it will be shown here. Project tags can be used to identify special types of projects with a highlight tag.
and can be used to categorize projects in Silverbucket.
Financial values are used in various Project Numbers & Reports' equations.
a manually set amount of currency for own personnel
a manually set amount of external currency for the project
a manually set amount of other income currency for the project
an estimate of hours needed for the project
an estimate of external personnel's hours for the project
Select your desired project type: Invoicable / Non invoicable / Absence.
Select your desired invoicing type: Time & Material / Fixed / Price Ceiling
This will affect how certain calculations are performed for example in Progress Numbers
a manually set value about how complete the project is
An automatically calculated percentage value on how completed the project is. Follows the equation: actual hours / (own hour budget + external hour budget)
a manually set value how important the project is for your company
a custom identifier for projects, used mostly by integrations
a manually set value between 0% (Archived) - 100% (Production) reflecting the chances of the project happening. Can also be edited by clicking next to the percentage value next to the project's header.
a free text field for details about the project
To toggle a project as a "project you can click on the little star icon next to it. When the star icon is filled with gray color the project is marked as favourite. This can be used to filter projects in various views.