
The realization sheet on people allocation view shows peoples actual hours compared to planned hours. This sheet gives you a color-coded people-based view of allocations in relation to hours. Future slots are not colored, as there are no actual hours in the future.

The chosen view mode (top-right corner) is taken into account. So, if you wish, you can select to look at actual/planned or difference.
When using the "Days" option under 'Allocation units' the calculations are always based on the system default workday length (usually 7,5 or 8,0 hours).

By clicking the arrow next to a persons name, you open a list of projects to which this person is assigned to and see the person's allocation accuracy for each of those projects.

The color-coding in the report is based on three values in any particular slot:

- Actual hours
- Allocated hours
- Maximum hours of the corresponding slot

Equation and color-coding for these values:
(Allocations - Actuals) / Maximum hours of corresponding slot * 100%
= value to compare for the color (negative values are handled as positive values).

Corresponding color for the value from the equation:
  • If both values are missing → grey
  • < 10% difference → green
  • < 20% difference → light green
  • < 40% difference → yellow
  • > 40% difference OR either value is missing → red