People Planning is your go-to place for checking the overall resourcing situation of people in Silverbucket. This view also allows the user of filters so the view caters to many needs.
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In this view you have a graph that shows data in a more visualised manner. Just below it you can find the people and resourcing plans, color-coded of course.
Buttons, modes and icons
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Left arrow moves you back in time in the resourcing section
Home icon brings you to current date
Calendar icon allows you to select a specific date
Right arrow moves you forward in time
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CONFIRMED / TENTATIVE dictates which resourcing universe is shown
Time modes: DAY / WEEK / MONTH / QUARTER
View modes: HOURS / RELATIVE
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Slot symbolized with an "envelope" = Viewing confirmed resourcing but the slot also has tentative resourcing
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Slot symbolized with a "diameter" = Viewing tentative resourcing but the slot also has confirmed resourcing
Resourcing view
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The Resourcing view gives you more precise data regarding the resourcing situations of the listed people. You can view people in a more detailed manner by clicking the chevron icon next to it. Once clicked, you are shown more detailed resourcing values - based on the selected view mode - and you can also make and edit resourcing plans directly in this view.
The coloring is based on the slot's resourcing value. The coloring is the same as in the previous version of Silverbucket: from light yellow to dark red with green color as the sweet 100% spot. Grey color means that there is no resourcing at all in that slot.
The resourcing slots also include a small line in the bottom of the slot if the person is resourced for any other project for the same time slot: shades of green mean that the person is not over-resourced and all is good, while red color means that the person's capacity is exceeded and you should re-consider the resourcing plans for that person.