Activity Feed

The main purpose of the Activity Feed is to log, collect and report all sorts of different data regarding resourcing, comments and changes of an entity such as people and projects.

Activity Feed is located in person's dashboard, project's dashboard & in the PEOPLE and PROJECTS main views in the new UI.

Activity Feed is color-coded to make it easier to quickly glance at what kind of log entry you are viewing. Activity Feed can be filtered based on this information by using the sliders or by giving a time range - or both.

Yellow = Risks
Grey = Journal entries
Green = Resourcing
Blue = Project
Pink = Project roles
Purple = Tasks

The newest log entry is always on top.


Silverbucket has a simple  Risks  tool built-in for projects. The Activity Log tracks all of these entries in yellow color and creates rows with all the information that was added, edited or deleted regarding risks.


Resourcing data will probably be the most logged thing in the Activity Log. It is color-coded with green color and tracks all the movements regarding resourcing. It shows the target project role, adjustment to resourcing, which mode and type was used when resourced etc.

It is important to pay attention to the time mode and resourcing mode used, see examples below:


The blue section shows log entries regarding the Project's information, such as  Basic Information . If any of this is edited, the log will write a row for it.

When you hover over the description "..." you can see the value inserted in full.

Project Roles

Project role data is color-coded with pink color. It shows data regarding project roles, whether it is adding a project role, editing a project role or removing an existing project role.


Tasks come with a purple color. Once again, changes made to Project's Tasks will be shown here in the Activity feed.