Filtering by competencies

Every view in Silverbucket has the FILTERS section available and you can filter people according to your competency needs. Click the filter Competencies in the left column under PEOPLE and it will be selected to the right side of the screen. You may use any other filter as well to find the right people. From SET COMPETENCIES tab you can start selecting the required competencies.

SEARCH - you can either search for the desired competency or competency category by name or pick them directly from the list on the left side. You can

REQUIRED COMPETENCIES - If people must have all of the desired competencies, click AND next to the competency name. If people must have at least one of the desired competencies but not all, click OR next to the competency name. You can also select the entire competency category for either of the lists.

REMOVE - If you want to remove a selected competency from either of the lists, just hover your mouse over the name and click X -mark appearing left side of it.

SETTING LEVELS - You can also select the minimum level of the competency from the arrow on the right side of the required competencies.

SAVE CHANGES - After your selection is ready, press save changes and you get back to the general filtering view where you can apply the selected filtering.